Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

Just 4bstr0k

Before this entry, i have posted some photos with 4bstrok :D
4bstrok not the gang. 4bstrok only a community of the abstrak girl.
all of us is single, but always being happy together :D
we always support other and love each other *hoek
but i love all of them :D
*not the for the ex-member

Some momment with them :3

with ayinn, uda agak lama :D

iptong belajar naik motor, sangat mengerikan! jatoh gue  gara2 dia -___-

ama atun di wc, habis salin pas renang :D

pas ngerayain ultah atun ama kado boongan

atun dapet kadoo :D terharu tuhh

abstrok galaau :D nuyul yang moto :*

di green house smansa :D

abis pelajaran *lupa :D 

di pantai t.bunga ama -abstrok :D *pas belum terlalu deket

webcam-an ama abstrok *nuyul belum muncul 

pas maulid ama abstrok 

do you have bestie too? :D 
you should ^^

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