Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

Congrats for 13

Speechless. an awful day but a beautiful ever!
cant you imagine today? today was not my special day, but i am the one that felt this happy :" its a special day about them!; my senior in senior high school.
today was their graduated announcement day!  and guess what? all of my senior in my school has passed their "gray period" it sooo something for me. why? nope, i just felt happy. caused i imagine if i was them :'' graduated with my friends together, although we will be separated in the college.. dududu, i wont think about it now..

thanks for today! thanks 13! thnksrdr! thanks for this year! you gave me so much things that will be remind (i hope for forever). love you dude!
next year is our year, 14! see ya 13.

Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

my best!

 wonder what? what is that?? hihi it just mmy edit of my bestie how would like in a monster . haha whatever they are still them :3 my best!!
atun: she likes red, unique and so ulalala
nuyuy: ah she look calm, but she's not :P
ayin: she's -_______- rawr!
itong: she should be more feminime ._.
tum : she's crazy!
the last is me :3 i like green~~
lala, but most of all we enjoy the time and waste time together. hopefully we'll always stay forever :')

What i wanna be?

 Back to the old time, i realize i've wasted so many things. time,money,feeling,mind,energy,etc. everything i do is useless..........
come to the point, so what would i be if i keep being like this?
there is my friend that always wonder what she wanna be. and ask me what i wanna be? i am still wondering, dreaming, but believing. god, i am afraid, i am too hopeless :'')
god... can i ? god, show me the way, stand beside me, walk with me, hold me, and guide me :"")
sorry, just my thougt.

Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

Just My Another Editing

so , actually i like to edit my photo in my phone, usually i used picsart, it easy to used and friendly :) fell free to see it, and i like upload my pics on instagram , you can go to my insta pages by seeing my banner :3
please have respect of me as the one that edit and own it ;))) thankies , i just wanna you enjoy :D


We had lived this long. we should have learn and being thought many things, by teacher even by our experients. bad and good depend on what we think and what we felt. but most of all we should learn.

there is bad and good things. it mean there is also bad things in good things and there is good in the bad things just like the picture above. we should know who is the real one and the fake one, friends? love? or other. we should learn keep learning. cause you cant always be best. you cant always be good or bad. someday you will change being older.

Sabtu, 06 April 2013

Have you see it from the other way?

pict frow weheartit
"everyone is same, just a different one can survive"

its not about life, its just about how to life. you may need everything but everything may didnt need you. you can survive and known by being different and you should see everything from the other side. to get better, to get inspiration to be different.

see it from the other way for get better

Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

[Review] Heaven on Earth

Heaven On Earth
Penulis : KAKA HY

Ini adalah novel ke4 yang gue beli dan gue suka ama ini novel. Pertamanya sih temen gue yang mau beli, tapi karena dia ga ada duit, jadi gue aja yang beli hehe
Cerita dalam novel ini memang agak umum, tapi cara penyampaian kaka yang tidak ribet mudah dimengerti dan enjoyful membuat kita tidak sadar sudah membacanya hingga bab ke 10.

Novel ini termasuk hebat karena bisa membuat gue membaca tiap lembaran ga loncat langsung ke halaman akhir, karena dari awal novel ini tidak terlalu terbaca alurnya, namun mudah dimengerti.

Penggambaran tokohnya pun sesuai dengan jaman sekarang, cara bicara tokoh dan sifat tokohnya digambarkan sesuai dengan keadaan remaja sekarang.

novel simple yang satu ini mengajarkan bahwa kita memiliki banyak orang yang masih sayang pada kita, walaupun ya kadang kita kesal ama orang yang sayang ama kita.

Dan yang paling gue suka dari novel ini adalah kata2 terakhir dalam epilognya, "dan ada para pembaca yang menyisihkan waktu untuk mengintip hari2 Carla" (seinget gue kaya gituu)

yah, at all novel ini simple dan gue suka. novel ini enjoyful but meaningful. but the most at all, i buy this novel cause the cover :P

Cerita singkat:
 Carla baru saja ditinggal ayahnya beberapa bulan, dan sejak itu ia menjadi pengasuh tetap adiknya, alon. karena ibunya harus menggantikan ayahnya mencari nafkah.
 dan sejak itu Carla harus membagi waktunya untuk selalu menjaga Alon, awalnya ia biasa saja tapi lama-lama dia kesal.
 Apalagi sampai Carla harus membagi waktu cintanya dengan mengasuh adiknyaa~ continued on kaka's novel