Minggu, 17 April 2011


GUYS! ada kabar bagus nih soal BIGBANG global event..kan udah pada tau soal voting nya di FB kan? nah kan INDONESIA ga ada di list tuh, kali ini YG dan SOOMPI kerjasama lagi, dan buat kita2 yg negaranya ga ada di list bisa komentar disini dan bisa dijadiin pertimbangan ..jadi ayo rame2 vote!! ini artikelnya dari soompi :

YG Entertainment and Soompi have come together for another new and exciting event!
Soompi V.I.P's speak your mind and vote for the country you would like to see Big Bang come visit by clicking on the "Like" button next to the country flags.
You can cast your vote at Big Bang's official Facebook page:


VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! And hopefully Big Bang will come visit your country!

This forum is for discussing about the event and sharing information in general. Go V.I.Ps!!

P.S: If your country is not on the list speak up and tell us!

So VIPs! walaupun INDONESIA ga ada di list,, jangan patah semangat! Ayo komen dan minta INDONESIA! okay!!..
langsung aja klik disini yaa~

sr. soompi via BIGBANG @ FB

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